Whether it’s pouring with rain or you’re waiting for a delivery – we know there are days when getting outside just isn’t happening. And, as parents and caregivers, we know the struggle of keeping children entertained when they utter those infamous words: “I’m bored!” But fret not! Our ultimate list of exciting indoor activities is here to save the day!


Make a pillow fort

Every child dreams of the day they can gather all of their pillows and cushions and create a blanket castle inside of their house! This is such a cheap and easy way to provide unlimited entertainment – turn the fort into a cinema, a secret den, or even use it for a sleepover.


Bake something delicious

Indulge in guilt-free baking! This is a great bonding activity and you might be surprised how many delicious alternative baking recipes use healthier ingredients like bananas or applesauce.



Call for reinforcements! See if a friend or group of friends are available to come over and bring their little ones. You can enjoy a catch-up over some coffee and the children can help entertain each other.


Movie marathon

Embrace those cosy, lazy days by snuggling up with your loved ones and binge-watching movies or TV shows. Prepare a bowl of popcorn and let your children choose their favorite flicks for a delightful movie marathon!


Arts and crafts

Unleash some creative energy. Try making slime, homemade play dough, or explore something entirely new – there are lots of homemade arts and crafts ideas like our DIY musical instruments.


Dance party

Beat cabin fever with an energy-busting dance party! Play some fun music and let loose with silly dance moves – parents and caregivers included! Take it up a notch with a lip-sync battle, and you’ll have hours of entertaining and laughter-filled moments!


Scavenger hunt

Create a list of items commonly found around the house and set your children on a quest to discover them all. You can give bonus points to whoever can find that one thing you’ve been missing for months!


Next time you find yourselves stuck indoors, try to embrace the opportunity for quality time and fun-filled adventures with your loved ones in the comfort of your own home!