By Emma Thomas


From the moment your baby is born you will be faced with decisions… What type of nappies to use? Dummy or no dummy? Where will they sleep? As they grow, the decisions don’t stop. What sort of childcare should you choose? What school will they attend? 


As your thoughts turn to next year you  might be considering the options for your child’s Kindergarten year. There are lots of factors to consider, so we wanted to share the main information with you. 


In Queensland our Kindergarten Programs are approved and funded  by the State Government. They  are offered to children in the year before they begin formal schooling. Children need to turn 4 by the 30th June in the year in which they attend. Children born from 1 July 2018 to the 30th June 2019 will be eligible for Kindy in 2023. 

Kindergarten Options

Both Early Learning Centres and stand-alone Kindergartens deliver approved Kindergarten programs. There are differences and benefits to each program. Your choice will depend on your child’s learning and development needs as well as your family situation. We encourage you to attend any open days or information sessions which are offered. It is also great if you are able to meet your child’s teacher while you are looking. 


We believe that Kindy is a foundational year in a child’s education journey. The skills they acquire through play based learning during Kindy, will set them up for formal learning when they begin school. 

Kindergarten at MELC

At Moranbah Early Learning Centre we pride ourselves on our thoughtfully designed Kindergarten program which runs 5 days a week. We have flexible days and hours to suit each family and our centre is open throughout the school holidays. 


Our Kindy teachers follow the needs and interests of our children to plan an engaging, play based program. We also participate in community activities such as library visits and events with the local primary school. 


Our Kindy program children are eligible for Child Care Subsidy payments and the centre also receives additional Kindy Funding. 


At MELC we provide all meals and the children even have the opportunity to get involved with growing, picking and cooking our food! 


Being an Early Learning Centre means that we offer care for babies right through to school age. This means that children can transition to a Kindergarten program in an environment in which they are already comfortable. Siblings are also able to attend the same centre, making things easier for families. 


All approved Kindergarten programs must be delivered by a bachelor qualified teacher and use the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines. 


We hope that you will choose Moranbah Early Learning Centre for your child’s Kindergarten year and welcome any further questions that you have!